
Waterfox classic
Waterfox classic

waterfox classic

The version # of Waterfox browser is: 56.2.6 (64-bit). The version # of my add-on downloaded is: fireftp-2.0.4-fx.xpi I see no way to specify/configure a (new) account, with the connection-info to communicate with a web-server. The exact symptom is that the dropdown in upper left corner of the FireFTP tab says: "(Choose an account)", but clicking on that does nothing.

waterfox classic

NOT get FireFTP to create the account needed to connect to my (Formally, I used FireFTP addon under FireFox browser, but approx a year ago, due to revised architecture of Firefox, the FireFTP addon no longer is compatible with Firefox, and the suggested fix/workaround is to use the Waterfox browser, since Waterfox IS compatible with Waterfox.)īut, on the new laptop, for some unknown reason, I can get FireFTP addon downloaded, and installed upon Waterfox browser, but I can


I install Waterfox browser solely because I've come to know and love the FireFTP add-on, for uploading web content to a web-server. On both laptops, I have Chrome as my primary browser, along with Opera and Firefox, and Edge all operational (I'm a web developer and test web-pages on the various browsers). So, I recently purchased a new laptop, with Windows-10 64-bit pre-installed.


My neighbor (the same one) told me that he had installed the ‘Classic Theme Restorer” when after a Firefox update (forgot which one) he had discovered that his back/forward arrows had disappeared : he installed the add-on ONLY for that reason! What I mean is that I try to understand what seems beyond my first understanding because I know it’s a fact : many users, a wide majority, consider a computer as if it was a TV, or a closet, they fill, strive to find … they just use the computer as a tool, they focus on their interests with the means of a tool for which they lack the slightest regard :)Īnyway, let’s hope all gets to fit with time.A year or more ago, I first downloaded, installed, and had FireFTP addon working fine under the Waterfox browser, on a 5-year-old laptop, running Windows-10 64-bit. Very few techies, several medium-skilled users, more unskilled but concerned and … a wide wide wide majority of users for whom the browser is another planet… and those will be Mozilla’s you’d be surprised! It’s not a problem of the amount of legacy add-ons (I agree that most users have very few, that those they have are likely to be the featured ones and consequently upgraded to Webextensions) but the fact should you have one extension only on which you rely and that this add-on gets bumped out with FF57 can lead more than one user to anger, especially if it’s a surprise (“Surprise!”).


I mean, we can’t buy a full page on the The New York Times, 30 seconds daily TV/Radio spots, or even start yelling in the middle of our towns that Firefox 57 requires acknowledgement and decisions, can we? It’s not a problem of idiocy of course but simply that some users are totally off their browser’s evolution, either because their occupations are elsewhere either because they just don’t give a damn. Since Portableapps HAD Waterfox classic in the programme until version 2021-02 (at least I found a file named that with paf.exe at the end) so not so long ago, actually, please take up work on it again.


Ghacks and others have repeatedly informed of the reality, consequences, work-arounds related to Firefox 57 but if you never ever drop an eye on such sites you just don’t know. I switched to Waterfox Classic then which fortunately supports all my Mozilla add-ons plus the few Pale Moon add-ons I used. You tell him! What I meant by sharing this part of my life is that my neighbor’s behavior is relevant I’m afraid of many users’ reaction, that is those users who never visit technological browser dedicated Websites, who don’t even know that FF57 will bury their legacy add-ons, who will have their 56 updated and discover one morning that their Firefox is a mess, the Win10 syndrome as I call it.

Waterfox classic